Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

"There can be no good power—and, therefore, no good state either."

Does one first believe this then become a philosopher? Or does one philosophize till the wordsmithing brings one to the conclusion that there is no good power? It's so convenient for him that he is not a strategist otherwise he'd have to suggest something useful. But his discussion points the way to rationalize resistance to whatever plans to survive the next pandemic which almost certainly will come out of a world with increasing malnutrition during the Ecological Overshoot Unraveling. Many will needlessly win the Darwin Award (euphemism for dying prematurely due to poor decision making).

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The next pandemic might be worse, for us, in terms of completely loosing our bodies and sovereignty to exterior control, of what all G. Amgamben outlined. We may loose further faith in mainstream science, or not, but till then, prepare we must.

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