This is a very thought-provoking essay! Our ability to work together may have been damaged by modern civilization which continues to evolve towards collective brainwashing by corporatized media platforms. Certainly consensus-building east Asian cultures may have the inside track to help one another. The real test will come at times of severe food scarcity which seems to be built into the Ecological Overshoot Unraveling. But all societies seem to have some sort of class structure that preferentially favors elites at the expense of whoever is defined as a lower class.

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Hi Peace, that severe food scarcity that you speak of, is happening and has happened in the past many times in many parts of the world. Food shortage, be it due to human agency or natural causes, always collectivizes people, to mutually aid and struggle, in how-many-ever small or big numbers. Past famines of India, China, Africa, Russia and parts of Europe and Latin America, can provide great learning and warning, to future generation which might face such conditions again if not worldwide.

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Fantastic read!

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