Jul 24Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

While I will not say that the money-motivated planned obsolescence is not creating vast waste, and the money-motivated processing cheaply is not poisoning Our environment, and the money-promoted psychopaths are not doing things like spraying Us with toxins, microwaving Our air to create "climate change" and many other things, Humans are NOT responsible for the climate.

CO2 is life-giving, and the psychopaths in control want Us to blame it for killing Us. But I have looked at much real science - like the fact that when CO2 was 15 times higher is when life burgeoned on Our planet. And all the statistics that the psychopaths keep altering...

I pay My attention to YouToilet channels like Suspicious 0bservers and Tony Heller, who show the mechanisms that the psychopaths leave out so They can say We Humans are the problem, and the original data and how it's been altered.




100% Fake Climate Journalism: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/100-fake-climate-journalism:2

Hockey Match: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/hockey-match:0

Why Is Venus So Hot?: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/why-is-venus-so-hot:1

Game Over For The Climate: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/game-over-for-the-climate:2

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Hi AS .. The heartbroken planet is our only home, as broken and polluted it has become. Hence, be it climate change or war or reckless consumerism or infinite growth and pollution, it is we humans that have created all such conditions, and are now paying the price. Will get worse as time goes by. Will read and go through the links you have sent.

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

I shall disagree. It is the moneyed psychopaths (promoted to the top by money) that have created this hell for the rest of Us. Deliberately. They want Us reduced in Our numbers greatly, put into 15 minute prisons, eating bugs, with CBDC's and social credit scores, neuralinked like Borg, to be Their servants, slaves, sex toys, and sacrifices.

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

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True, about those you call “moneyed psychopaths”. Yet how can we ignore the millions and millions of people who own and drive cars, which pollutes the air, which has created irreversible conditions in every megacity? How can we ignore the mass consumption of a society which believes in materialism and use-n-throw consumerism. How can we ignore infinite growth of population? Blaming everything on one small group of say “money psychopaths” is not enough in this context.

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Dear One, that is all They know, and it's not a matter of "ignoring" these things as it is to get the key to solving for the psychopaths (which will also give Us clean transportation...). Free energy tech, which They hide and avidly suppress.

And what would You do to stop Them from creating things that break down or become archaic so as to profit with more sales? It's not that We choose throw-away consumerism, but that that is all We have - unless They let Us succeed enough to AFFORD better stuff.

And FYI... Our planet could support 1,000 times the number here now. If We could steward it well - which lack of money bars Us from.

Yes, I will blame it all on the group that deliberately creates it for Us.

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

There is a Light Bulb… (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/there-is-a-light-bulb

Planned Obsolescence (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/planned-obsolescence

Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/greed-is-a-symptom-of-energy-accounting

Humanity Beset (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/humanity-beset

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

Solving for Poverty (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-poverty

I look forward to Your thoughts when You have read these. Love always.

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What would I do? Take them out. There is no other way left.

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Share awareness that We can withdraw consent, withdraw consent Yourself, and though You likely don't have the wherewithal to do so, if You can, experiment with free energy and share successes freely.

And yes, withdrawing consent does work. It's been years now and They leave Me alone:

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

There's no money to be made in cleaning up pollution but green energy? Chaching! $$$

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Green colored energy is an extension of technological hubris / late capitalism - energy that also necessitates the destruction of the Earth. Very similar to Fossil Fuels… Bright Green Lairs Love Green Colored Energy, EVs and all sorts of techno-trash.

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Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Furthermore, Amater, Nate Hagens and Johan Rockstrom are well worth listening to: https://youtu.be/JaboF3vAsZs?si=6gUCIu8sbELC-bPv

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Why not keep an eye on this one: https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Not sure why I should pay My attention to an organization owned and operated by the Ones that tamper with data... Anything ".gov" is highly suspect, and many of the charts on that site have been proven to be falsified.

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Am, you may not be interested in hearing this podcast but others who read this might: https://youtu.be/YX1YL6DPjYY?si=xzYZnuVCCQQJRwTP (skim through the longish introduction)

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Good coincidence. Check email. About Jorgen Randers. Limits To Growth is back, but via China.

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Got a time stamp on the point where it comes in?

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Hi AS... Go right to the middle. It is a very strange worldview, created by a group of people, who are well meaning yet far removed from the global south and think that miraculously the poor will become "well to do" only if a totalitarian model is followed by all.

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Egads!!! Are They insane? Well, it seems it's the Club of Rome. So... Yeah, everything will be cool if We all relinquish Our sovereignty to Them. Uh-huh, sure.

What happens will be They will be rich and We all will be very, very poor, in 15 minute prisons, eating those bugs They want Us to eat, and fake food They can profit off of, with CDBC's and social credit scores for control - and neuralinked like the Borg.

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Jul 25Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Ah, a true hydrocarbon denier who won’t look at the data…

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You want data?

Solar Climate Forcing Ignored: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlNEmeldq5o

"Experts" Try to Debunk Ben on Climate Change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k619zHwbwio

Sun Controls Climate | Part 1 - Upper Atmosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQtDLGPuX3o

Sun Controls Climate | Part 2 - Major Cycles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_rb98g0jwU

Sun Controls Climate | Part 3 - Lower Atmosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21yhXjonvqM

Sun Controls Climate | Part 4 - Global Warming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZwa2a2nJz0

Climate Fakery Part 1: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/climate-fakery-part-1:0

more at channel to:

Climate Fakery Part 22: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/climate-fakery-part-22:8

Climate Fakery Part 23: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/climate-fakery-part-23:c

What A Scam Looks Like: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/what-a-scam-looks-like:1

100% Fake Climate Journalism: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/100-fake-climate-journalism:2

Hockey Match: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/hockey-match:0

Why Is Venus So Hot?: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/why-is-venus-so-hot:1

Game Over For The Climate: https://odysee.com/@TonyHeller:c/game-over-for-the-climate:2

Wrap Your head around the idea that there is nothing wrong with Our planet but what the moneyed psychopaths in control create (pollution, waste with planned obsolescence (95%), toxic production - all for money), and that the "Human-created climate change" bunk to to garner more control of Us, having nothing to do with reality.

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Bill Rees likes to remind people no one is in charge. Check him out on YouTube.

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What's that got to do with solid data and proof They're tampering with historical records?

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Now, now, em🙃ji-speak eh? ☕🍪 have a nice day!

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You too🤗

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Aug 28Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

How curious that I never saw this one before doing my own essay on The Sad Planets. Did you by chance hear the interview with the author on the Acid horizons YT channel? Not a great speaker but the book is very strong in the Eugene Thacker tradition of such things.

My essay BTW


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Hi A.P. Will surely read your essay tonite. About the Sad Planets, I came across the book in reality, along with some other works of Giorgio Agamben and Paulo Virno. I have briefly seen a mention of the book on the Acid Horizon channel. Worth revisiting I guess. Eugene Thacker is on in one of their shows I believe. Thanks…

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Aug 23Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

"Steadily we are loosing faith in the universal myths of eternal progress and growth".

This is a sign that the healing has started in small ways. We could be entering the adult phase of our species.

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Jul 28Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Wetiko broken planet

First Nation Americans call it our Wetiko. The idea that cannibalism of each other and every living system on the planet is a legitimate way to live. They watched the whites invade and literally destroy and consume them and everything else including each other. The buffalo returned to the earth, along with all the trees cleared for cows, chasing gold fever, while ethic cleansing the First Nations peoples. Colonialism world wide was the first major iteration of big Wetiko. Now we witness live the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank.

Wetiko is our own personnel madness and collective madness, an intergenerational mind virus, passed on while growing and strengthening so much that has it evolved and concentrated into planet spanning psychotic corporate fascist entities that in the pursuit of endless profit that are so highly geared to continuously rape, pillage and destroy all of us and the planet for money and power.

The biggest Wetikos we have created in include Apple/Amazon/Google/Meta/BHP/Walmart/Saudi Aramco/Exon Mobil/Shell/BP/Glencore/Toyota/Chevron/Costco/Foxconn/Microsoft/the banking/financial system that now own and prey upon us all.

There is no end to greed, to consumption, to money, to power, there is always more and bigger. This is what JC warned us against, our deadly sins. In this psychopathic Wetiko, mindset there are no limits to profit and power.

Now our corporate Wetiko is so powerful, so relentless so mad that we are the weather makers as we spew endlessly increasing amounts of pollution and destruction into our home and we have changed our world wide climate forever in term of human life times.

The changed climate has shown there are real limits to Wetiko grow and that is decay and collapse of all eco systems we rely on for food and everything physical we built up and knew.

The only realistic antidote to our personnel and collective Wetiko madness of ever expanding cannibalism I have seen is the Transition Movement that started in Totnes United Kingdom. It’s the only wholistic, realistic, inclusive, community wide and driven alternative way of living that I have seen that approached the world wide problem of a changed climate by starting with peak oil as a way for people to conceptualise and engage meaningfully with such a large problem and not fall into complete despair and depression that leads us nowhere. And then start to live an Energy Decent action plan where you consume and use less energy year on year.

Unless we go in the complete opposite direction we are now we will continue to spill our blood and pour out sweat into the big Wetiko corporate billionaire’s pockets for our collective Mutually Assured Destruction that nuclear weapons have always promised.

Check it out at -


I posted an unedited version of this comment on -


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Hi … Had briefly read about the Wetiko, film and legend a while back. True, as to what you refer as “cannibalism” of the Euro-American legacy and the current list of corporations. Settler colonial societies built on endless extraction and widespread violence.

How do you address the “Wetiko” that is now being practiced on a wide scale, imitating the West, by Indians, Chinese, say include the Latinos and Africans. Billions of common people…Though their footprint is way smaller, than their western counterparts, the size of the earth remains the same, and one which is seriously degraded and ecologically out of balance (irreversible). A vast majority of the human population is totally convinced about endless growth forever - making them Wetiko also?

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Jul 28Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Yes, we are all Wetiko in the Wetiko “system” practicing small and much larger scale cannibalism of each other and the planet.

Our collective efforts have got us to these climatic tipping points and mass collective dysfunction.

Paul Levy goes into a lot more detail as does Jack D Forbes in Columbus and other cannibals : the wétiko disease of exploitation, imperialism, and terrorism.

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Columbus & The Cannibals. I have to find the book. Have heard it being mentioned several times in revised history, from academics like David Stannard, Ward Churchill and Howard Zin. Thanks for the reminder.

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437 ppm CO2 in June: https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/

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