Sep 1Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

This is a great explanation of why transhumanism is certainly monstrous but as a concept it is smoke and mirrors to divert attention away from the current state of the world. It's an update to the old concept embodied in the 1961 musical "Stop the World: I Want To Get Off." What a sad attitude that one would prefer to leave physicality for cyberspace. Surely this concept is a surrogate of the immortal soul in which the world has lost all faith.

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Hi Peace.. Indeed sad, the abandonment of "physicality for cyberspace." In hindsight, it appears a good thing that we were born pre-cyberspace and cybertime. Least we can remember the world, and what all is and was considered "natural".

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Sep 2Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Interesting read. I'm just thinking out loud here, pure speculation, but you got me wondering:

Maybe the Transhumanists (one species of what I call Humanist Reductionists (HR...)), know full well they'll never be able to upload anyone's consciousness? What if the real goal, concealed, is to simply convince enough people that it's "real"?

It's not hard to imagine a thin client of a Musk persona say, long after the real Musk is gone, with little men behind a screen operating the controls, They could use that thin client that some people actually believe is a living Musk to issue out marching orders. It wouldn't be necessary that everyone believe it. If enough people believed they'd change the reality of everyone, including everyone who knows it's a sham.

Plausible at least? Sounds like a late sixties star trek plot. I can't think of any examples but no doubt someone has explored this angle before in more depth?

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Hi..Please speculate wild. It is the age to do so. About this future you envision, it might as well come true or play out in a way, that you can see / feel in your lifetime. The story I wrote, is more about the disintegration or possible annihilation of the human figure, as a being, as it was known and identified. Much of that has already changed, if we compare ourselves with human beings from a hundred or two hundred years ago. Alas, our brains still remain as neolithic, which is a good thing after all.

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Sep 1Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

Given money systems (whether trade/barter or electronic bits) promotes psychopaths to the top, it is small wonder They're working on such unEthical and unnatural things. And have the money to do it - or at least try. And money is a very archaic tool, too. Those psychopaths at the top hide the tech that makes it archaic - small wonder; They want to keep the power over Others money provides...

But We can wrest it from Them and focus on healing Our planet - and Us - from the damage They have done and are doing.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

I Have a Blueprint (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-have-a-blueprint

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Sep 11Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️
Sep 11Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

great image, great video, have you watched "pantheon" (2022) or "transcendence" (2014) ?

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Hi LZ… Transcendence yes, Pantheon, no. Will search for a free-site to watch

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Sep 11Liked by The counter-intuitive 🐿️

pantheon season one is a little slow but season two is phenomenal

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is a series then?

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